Jan 20, 2009

Año Nuevo

New Years must have left its mark, as it´s taken me this long to write something down since then. After ¨practicing¨for the new year with a group of very fun San Fransiscans in a heated game of borrachan pictionary, the time had come to welcome 2009. (or was it 6007 Brent?)
The night greeted us with a BANG! Well, more like hundreds of thousands of bangs, as we joined the masses in the Plaza de Armas, Cusco for an unforgettable New Years party. Fireworks. Everybody´s got em´, nobody respects them. The downpour couldn´t prevent an onslaught of misguided malpractioners from lighting massive amounts of ¨fuegos artificiales¨ in every direction, at any moment. Nothing like a little chaos in the name of fun! We decided to join the anarchy with five foot long roman candles, and some Big Tom Thumbs of our own. Luckily the Man upstairs continued to soak the city, preventing Cusco from going up in one big ball of fire. After a change of clothes, swapping wet party pants for dry ones, we inevitably ended up in a bar dancing to an un-named band, saluting random Peruvians and gringos alike, and sipping champagne-in true New Years fashion-straight from the bottle. The town, reminiscent of Christmas, continued to pop and bang for the entire night and into the next morning, where we found ourselves reluctantly welcoming the dawn of a new year, tired and hung-over, ready to announce of resolutions of never drinking champagne like that again, or at least until 2010 that is.

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