May 20, 2009

Filo Hua Hum

Leaving the enfermeria at SM was tricky for a couple of reasons. First I was barley mobile, and second,  I had found a comfortable companionship with the residents as well as a striking similarity to the Black Hills (home sweet home) in the cerros around the pueblito.. Yep, settling into San Martin would've been easy, too easy, meaning I had to scoot before getting lost in the Argentinian culture for good.

After only a week of recuperation I could hardly walk (more like hobble) and my knee could barely make a 20 degree bend on its own, thus making it very hard to shift gears, let alone sit with it painfully forced into a 70 degree bend for the three hour ride to Filo 
Hua Hum, but the move had to be made. Difficult, yeah, but once on the road, the persistant pain was quickly remedied by by smiles of simple solace as 
God revealed himself once again in the splendid scenery approaching the lake... 

Lago Filo Hua Hum was vacant (no longer that surprising, but still striking me as amazing) leaving me once more with pick of the crop to set up the house for a duration of my choosing... 
Four days and three nights of mate sippin', fly castin', and mountain meditatin' had me feeling better physically and mentally than I had experienced in quite some time...It hit me that my time in this paradise was somewhat limited, 
thus amplifying the amount of awe-inspiring moments experienced per diem. It is time to thank the Maker.
 Prayers of praise before pez on the parilla: Te agredezco Senor por todo, Eres lo mejor, y Tu creacion es magnifico. Gracias por el regalo de vida, en el nombre de Jesus.... Oraciones of ovation before bed:  Doy las gracias a ti, Senor, por otra mas dia que fue increible. Bendeces mis amigos y mi familia con corazones grandes para amar, y buen salud para compartir Tu mesaje de amor. En el nombre de Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous24.10.10

    Excellent information provided by this blog.

    Treated Pine Timbers
